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Moving to Singapore... need recommendation for international schools (IB)

Hi everyone, I am new to this website, I hope I can get some help from here...

Our family is planning to move to Singapore permanently (and I heard so many good things about Singapore compared to other countries). I have two children - older one in high school and younger one in middle school. We are looking for international schools in Singapore and we are likely to take IB.

I got recommened for SAS (Singapore American School), OFS and UWC. Honeslty it's quite expensive to have both kids in one of these international schools, so I would really want to know if there is any other schools that may fit better for our children. Could you please recommend, so that I can do my research further? Any comments are welcomed!

Thank you so much! 🙂

sallylee 2588 3 Likes 01/02/23

Community Generated Comment

cocolohcoco Feb. 1, 2023, 9:42 p.m.

ACS, Hwa Chong and st. Joseph. They do decent university admission support and 'relatively' affordable. Look out for yearly university admissions outcome from these schools.

cocolohcoco Feb. 1, 2023, 9:44 p.m.

It also depends on where you are considering for the university. If you look for SG universities, you can research top 10 JCs in SG (Raffles, Hwa Chong local, ACS local etc).

cocolohcoco Feb. 1, 2023, 9:47 p.m.

OFS is more expensive than local international schools, but in range with SAS and UWC. Great facilities, and teachers are very enthusiastic, students are motivated, recent avg IB result was around 38