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Some Walkway in Korea
This is a picture of the park/walkway in Korea I went to at the beginning of the year. Really good vibes, with very little tourists. Majority of the people I saw there were locals.
If anyone interested here is the google map location:
I started my walk from Dong Dae Mun
And then I crossed to this park right beside
There is a continuous castle walk from the park, I walked until around here
Really nice cafe along the castle wall
Here is a picture I took there
Community Generated Comment
Nice!! Thank you for sharing. Wanted to try something not touristy. How long does it take to walk from that first stop Dong Dae Mun to that castle area? and would June be too hot for the walk?
I remember taking around 10-15min to walk there. The whole walkway took me 2-3h to explore including the cafe.
For the weather honestly I'm not too sure, since I was there during winter haha
Got it! it's very helpful, thank you!